They are only little once...

I really loved this session. I enjoying chasing after little ones and really capturing who they are at this moment in time. It is such a sweet, magical age to capture. I know first hand because I have a little one almost the same age at home. The age where they are finding their independence, investigating everything, on the go all the time, but still grounded by their mama's love.  Capture all of these moments, especially the ones where they don't want to sit still and wiggle out of your arms to run around. Because they will always run back into your arms, now and forever <3

Baby Mila

Because even though she is almost 5 months old now, and I'm terrible at blogging in a timely manner, I still adore how amazingly beautiful these images of her are. Seriously, she is just so beautiful (did I mention she slept through her whole session)!

The little things....

One of my favorite sessions are my grow with me sessions and lifestyle ones at that!  It is so amazing watching these little babies turn into soulful, personality filled, toddlers. I can't explain how wonderful it is being able to capture each stage and watch them grow into this little person with their own likes and opinions. This beautiful family invited me into their home to capture lifestyle images for their milestone sessions. I am seriously in love. To capture the spirit of the children growing in their own home and the little things, like how they read together, or how she plays with her brothers hair and he loves it. These are the little moments you are never going to want to forget. The little things that made them happy at that time in life. Capture the little moments, even if it's on you phone. And print them, always print your photos so you don't loose these special memories, because you don't get these days back.

The Clay Family

Becky is our neighbor, and local artist/woodworker. She can make pretty much make anything. She creates beautiful signs and her and her husband Drew have started making farm house tables and even bed frames! I had the pleasure of taking their photos not too long ago. Their daughter Taylor is close in age to my own daughter and the sweetest kid around. We went on down to creek and got our feet wet and muddy. It was such a blast. Check her work out at:


Sweet baby girl

This sweet little girl just turned 6 months! I can't believe it! (yes, I am that behind on blogging)!  But since I just saw this beautiful family yesterday I felt the need to come home and blog her newborn session. I always get super excited to see each phase of the babies of my grow with me package. I cant wait to see her again for 9 months. It is so crazy how fast they grow and change! Each passing day, they get just a little bit older...

Kyle and Kristine's Engagement

Kyle and Kristine are recently engaged (and one of the sweetest and fun couples ever)! Kyle wanted to propose on a day that was meaningful but still a surprise, so he proposed on the 6th anniversary of their first goodbye. He decorated the house with a huge paper cut-out of the Golden Gate Bridge and photographs of many moments they shared over the years together. <3 Congratulations to you both!!!!

It's been a while...

Well here I am, it has been TOO long since I've sat down and made a blog post. I could blame it on, well pretty much life! A lot has been going on the last few months. A birthday, a long over due date night, the ending of school, and mainly our new addition of a cute little puppy (yeah he still doesn't have a for sure name yet, we are slacking on that too). Any who! Here I am, and scatter brained as always. But FUN NEW things are happening! Like today, I just got my brand new lens <3 AHHHH it was my goal this year to upgrade all my equipment and I did it!!! I am super excited because it's not only awesome for me, but awesome for all of you as well! I finally saved up enough to purchase my dream lens and even an artsy one too (because who doesn't love the real artsy shots)? Luckily I have my two lovely models here to help me test them out and it's official I am IN LOVE <3

Thanksgiving Baby!

I must say smash cake sessions are one of the cutest things ever! A baby who gets a cake all to themselves! All the different emotions that show in this type of session are really just the best.

It always starts with a bit of confusion. The child usually isn't sure if this is a trick, and they will be scolded if they attack the cake full force or if it's for real and they can dig in and eat the whole cake and it is what they are suppose to actually be doing. I love it because a baby's face doesn`'t lie. You can see the confusion set in as they try to comprehend the situation and what is really happening.

Then they taste it. Still unsure what is going on, they go in for a taste and start to pick at it. Waiting to see what happens next.

Then without hesitation, they dive in. It's everywhere. It's like the cake just exploded. It's in their hair, they have fists fulls of cake, icing smeared all over themselves and could not be any more excited. Smiles galore. Complete and utter satisfaction.

Then comes the crash. It doesn't take long to get here. They realize they are full of cake and kind of tired all of sudden. I'm mean really, who doesn't feel like that after they just ate fists full of cake.

This little turkey though happens to be one of my favorites. I mean seriously can she get any cuter!!!????


As promised Day 2 - Lifestyle Maternity Session

When I met Becky for the first time at her home for her maternity session I just knew that I was going to love photographing her and her family. She and her family are just the sweetest people!

It was colder outside the day of their session, so we did an indoor shoot at their home, which actually turned out to be one of my favorite session. There is just something about lifestyle maternity sessions that really gives it an amazing feeling of getting ready to welcome this little life into your home. It's almost like mom is more comfy and just patiently waiting to meet her newest little love.

Becky was just glowing the day of our session. I wish pregnancy looked half as good on myself as it does on her. Not only was she stunning, but she also had the CUTEST home ever (not to mention she has amazing interior design instincts)! Seriously though, they have the cutest house layout. I'm in love with older homes because they have this sort of vibe that a cookie cutter house just doesn't give you. It's just so full of life, and it totally fits them as a family.

My favorite part was when they starting reading the book "Ma! There's Nothing to Do Here! A Word from your Baby-in-Waiting" to their daughter Daphne (who by the way is the cutest, sweetest little girl, she is going to make an amazing big sister). I've never seen an almost 2 year old so into (and excited) about a story. It really just pulled at my heart strings!

Their sweet baby girl is due anytime now and I can't wait to meet her!

Getting my blog together!

If it wasn't known before, it'll be known now....I'm a terrible blogger. I mean just horrible! It is really a goal of mine to step it up this year (I really don't think I'm doing too well at that so far but as of now I am going to step it up). This week I will blog everyday. It may be a personal blog, it may be of a recent session or a session I never blogged from months ago. Either way it will be a week full of blogging! So get ready!

I really am stoked it is getting warmer outside. My girls love to play outside. They would live outside if I let them. It's important to me that I remember to capture these moments in my own life, because as we all know our littles grow up too fast. So fast, at times you sit back and wonder if you missed out on how little they were the day before. Their personalities shines through a little more each day, Today I am really thankful for a good friend of mine, and fellow photographer Lexi Green (Ninja + Sox Photography check her out she is sweet as pie and puts these awesome projects together). We are in a group with several other photographers doing a 7 for 7 challenge. 7 photographs a day for 7 days. It's really nice because on top of work it pushes me to go the extra mile and after Im done working for the day I work on my own personal project. I love it because not only do I get to take pictures of my littles and their everyday life, but I get to practice my creative side and find more ways I can use my new found creativity each day in my work for my clients. So here is day 1. My little loves rocking their outside life!

It's a Boy!

What's the best surprise you will ever? It is welcoming your baby into the world and not knowing if it going to be a handsome little boy, and sweet baby girl. Lisa and her family did just that.

I can say from first hand experience that this honestly is the best surprise! With our second child we did not find out the gender, and it was such an amazing experience. There really are not enough words to describe the excitement of waiting to meet your baby and find out that day if you will be the parents to a new baby boy orgirl!

In December, the Myers welcomed their second son into the world! He is just a dream! He slept the WHOLE TIME during his session.

I now have baby fever!

Kenzie is ONE

Oh Miss Kenzie! She was such a good sport for us on this warmish day in November! If any one remembers sweet Kaylynn who turned two a few months back, this is her amazing little sister! I love this family! They are all so much fun every time we have a photo shoot!

Kenzie is such a sweet, fun, adventurous one year old! She loves dirt, the water (when it isn't freezing cold) and her adorable little purse she brought with to her session as well. It got a little chilly in the water but oh we had a blast! Happy first birthday Kenzie (late because I am so behind on my blogging)!

Bring Back Fall!

Since I am again realizing I have several amazing session I NEVER BLOGGED, I'll be doing that now!

I met Bridget and her daughter a few months before this when I took nursing pictures of the two of them. She contacted me a few months later for family pictures, especially some with their amazing family dog. They recently found out that their family dog was sick and the vet had estimated she had 5 months left. They really wanted to have some pictures done of them all. Bridget and her family are one of my favorite families to photograph. They are so natural in front of the camera and their love for each other really shines bright.  I am so happy I was able to capture some amazing moments for them to hold onto forever! 



Backyard Snow Adventure

What do you do on a Friday when you are stuck at home and should probably be cleaning or doing other household chores....You trade that silly adutling stuff in and get your coat and snow boots on and then head outside!!

Maddie is our sweet, loving flower child. She has such a kind, free soul. She spent most of her time making snow angels and making foot prints in the snow.

Our oh so cute adorable Husky spent her time chasing the kids and playing fetch with her KONG.

and May.

May has never played in the snow until this afternoon. She had a blast, mostly eating snow, but she enjoyed every second of it! She is our hard headed, go getter kid. She is sassy, knows what she wants, and won't stop until she gets it. She was the most devastated when it was time to go inside (even though her little nose was red and her little hands were getting cold).

If I could spend every afternoon outside in the snow with these kids, I would. On the agenda for tomorrow is to build a snowman!! What will your Saturday consist of?

Stay warm! From Colorado with love!


On most days the one word I hear repeatedly is "no".  Are you ready for breakfast? "No". Would you like blueberries? " No". Are you finished? "no". It is a very common word for my 15 month old. I've tried to teach her "yes" and when the word "yes" should be used, but she just replies with "no". Regardless of her 15 month old vocabulary, this is one of my favorite ages. They are learning to talk, and communicate and even when they are being "sassy" they are just testing the waters with words and their meanings at this age. My 15 month old is spunky, sassy, lovable, funny, sensitive, and a mama's girl. So it is really special to capture moments like the one below. She loves him, and they have the cutest bond in the world. Even though she is sassy and tells us "no" a lot, you can't hold it against her with a smile like that!

Goodbye 2015.....Hello 2016

As this year quickly drew to an end I realized there were so many things I wanted to do differently in the new year. This year was a great year for myself, my family, and my growing business.
In 2015 we bought our first home, the girls turned 1 and 3, our oldest started preschool, my husband took a new job, I made some amazing new friends while even catching up with a few old ones, and my business really blossomed. 2015 was filled with MANY great things!

One thing I really noticed that I missed too often in 2015 is..... I didn't take enough photographs of my own family. Yes, we had our family pictures done, but I am referring more to just capturing those special moments when we are sitting home on a lazy Friday, doing crafts and catching up on house work together, while singing mother goose songs all morning.

So today I did just that.

Our day started off by sleeping in late (it is winter break and all). After breakfast, Maddie decided she wanted to write a letter to her BFF who moved to FL a few months back. She asked for a card (sorry all I have are birthday cards), an envelope and a stamp. She was so excited to try and write his name and drew a picture of the two of them! She was so excited she had to bring it to the mail box ASAP!

After we played with some play-doh. We play this game where we pick a color, and then we try and guess what the other person made (it has to be some thing that is he same color as the play-doh you have). After, we just combine all the colors and make a big ball of all the colors!!

2016 I want to get more personal. I want my clients to not just be clients, but friends. It's important, because I want you all to feel comfortable around me, and that means knowing more about me! If you don't already know, my girls are co-sleepers (so it was huge this year when my three year old asked for her own bed for her room from Santa). Nap time (if it happens while we aren't in the car) usually involves a nap for Baby May and some Mommy/Maddie time!

Another thing that I realized today was that I wasn't taking pictures because of silly things like there was a mess, or folded laundry on the stairs, or thanks to my one year old, the daily trail of toilet paper trailing down the stairs. Then it dawned on me, I am out numbered during the day, and to me personally, a trail of toilet paper and a happy toddler wasn't the worst thing that was going to happen to me. I pick my battles, and that isn't one of them, and that's OKAY! So this year, I'm going to learn to EMBRACE the mess, the laughter, and the happiness of my children. Soon they will be grown and I won't have laundry folded on my stairs or dirty laundry piling up down stairs. So it's okay to capture stuff I still have to do, while still capturing my kids being kids, because in 15 years I won't be looking at the bin of Christmas decorations that need to be put away in the background, Ill be looking at the happiness in my children's faces while they stack their magna tiles to the ceiling and then knock them down in a crazy, silly rampage. That will be the memory I am really looking back on.

So this year, you'll learn more about me. Maybe you'll find you have something in common with me that you didn't know before. Maybe you won't. Either way you will get to know me, as a photographer, and a friend. I'll be blogging more, about a lot of things, not just work. To me that is important. I am more then just a photographer, I am a mother, a wife, and a friend. So keep up with me this year, see what new adventure come along, what amazing people I meet and work with, and what I do on a normal day to day basis. This year for me, is a year of documenting everything!

Today, as I said, was crazy (after nap especially). It was filled with crafts, smiles, tears, and cuddles. Each day will be different and I don't want to miss the every day moments, because honestly those are the best.

Hi, I'm Candice, a wife, a mother, a friend, and a photographer. Bring it on 2016!

Turning Two

Meet the cutest two year old ever, Kaylynn! She was just the SWEETEST two year old to photograph. There is nothing I love more, then a kid on an adventure during our session. Photographing this age is one of my favorites. They explore, they don't hold back, are fun, silly, and truly themselves! It's really amazing to look back at photos of our kids and remember exactly how they were just by being able to capture these photographs of them in their element just being themselves, and asking questions and exploring their surroundings. Thank you Kaylynn for being an awesome, fun, energetic two year old!

I'm back!

It has been WAY too long since the last time I blogged and I need to catch up like crazy!!!!!

This little man is a couple months old now, but he was such a sweet, sweet newborn to photograph. His mama is part of this amazing moms group in Highlands Ranch, CO. She is one of several ladies I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with through this awesome group! His mother is from Germany and his little brother put on his Lederhosen to be photographed with his new baby brother! I love incorporating a family's heritage into their session. It really shows where they come from and not to mention, big brother ROCKED them!! I love meeting amazing families through my work, such as this one! Enjoy all the cuteness below!

A Bitter Sweet Goodbye

CThis is one of those bitter sweet stories! I met this beautiful family when my oldest started her big girl gymnastics class (the one where she doesn't need me in there anymore). Every Tuesday morning all us moms would show up, coffee in hand, and see our older kids off to class while we waited with our younger children outside that glass window. After several mornings of talking, Tuesday become more then just gymnastics, it became an hour I got to hang out with some awesome moms! Briauna was one those moms! We really just hit it off, and our girls loved each other! Sadly after we began to get close, Briauna got amazing news (for her) that they would be relocating to SCOTLAND! How exciting! We were all thrilled for her, but saddened that we would be loosing an awesome friend. Though we were only able to hang out a few times before they left, they were fun times! I was extremely touched when she asked me to take their extended family pictures before they headed off on their new adventure in life. I'm glad I was able to catch some amazing photographs for them to take with them, and for their family here to have as well. Briauna, we all miss you and the girls so much! Hope you are settling in great over there! XoXo

The Childers Family

I met this sweet family one year ago when they welcomed this beautiful little girl into this world!  Miss Kennedy wouldn't sleep for me as a newborn and just wanted to stay awake and watch everything! One year later, she is that same sweet girl who doesn't want to miss a thing. She has two of the most loving parents who just adore her, and let her be that little explorer that she is. I love getting to meet such amazing families!