Backyard Snow Adventure

What do you do on a Friday when you are stuck at home and should probably be cleaning or doing other household chores....You trade that silly adutling stuff in and get your coat and snow boots on and then head outside!!

Maddie is our sweet, loving flower child. She has such a kind, free soul. She spent most of her time making snow angels and making foot prints in the snow.

Our oh so cute adorable Husky spent her time chasing the kids and playing fetch with her KONG.

and May.

May has never played in the snow until this afternoon. She had a blast, mostly eating snow, but she enjoyed every second of it! She is our hard headed, go getter kid. She is sassy, knows what she wants, and won't stop until she gets it. She was the most devastated when it was time to go inside (even though her little nose was red and her little hands were getting cold).

If I could spend every afternoon outside in the snow with these kids, I would. On the agenda for tomorrow is to build a snowman!! What will your Saturday consist of?

Stay warm! From Colorado with love!